"Mrs. Grandma Universe 2016" Doni Chachova is embarking on a new business venture. Among her clients are already quite popular stars, including singers Kristina Dimitrova, Nelina and Tsveti Radoycheva, as well as the popular singer Krassimir Avramov.Source:...
The media about us
Doni Chachova, who turned her dream of more beauty in the world into reality
Recently, the holder of the title "Mrs. Grandma Universe 2016" - Doni Chachova, collected famous names for the opening of the first boutique store of its cosmetic brand. Donnie who lovingly creates their products set certain and we are sure that love is not the only...
Doni Chachova and Iva Ekimova in support of the first line medics
After a consultation with the management of St. Anna Hospital on the number of nurses who first meet users in a special ward, then take care of their lives and health, Doni Chachova and Iva Ekimova launched the initiative “Women’s…
Doni Chachova presents two new products and beauty accessories at an elegant party
In the heart of Sofia, the winner of the title “Mrs. Grandma Universe 2016” welcomed a connoisseur of the Bulgarian rose in the new home of Dony Cosmetics at 45B Pirinski Prohod Street…
20 questions to… Doni Chachova
At the end of 2019, the winner of the title Mrs. Grandma Universe 2016 presents its owner cosmetic line Dony Cosmetics at a stylish boutique event attended by stars, friends in Doni and official guests, and we decided to ask our 20 questions…The first thing i do in...
Opening of the DONY cosmetics showroom
Doni Chachova presents two new products and beauty accessories at an elegant party.
Among the guests who immersed themselves in the magic of roses and pure gold were the singers Kristina Dimitrova, Nelina and Krasi Avramov…